May 5-May 11
The video above is actually quite entertaining, and amazing! It also might contribute more to the discussion of pure vs. applied mathematics.
This week's blog requires you to do a little bit of searching...but you won't have to search for long. Please respond to the two prompts below:
a.) Find a piece of current news (newspaper, magazine, online source) in which something mathematical is referenced. Share the title of the piece, the publication, the publication date, the mathematics that are used and why you believe this publication/writer chose to use these mathematics. (For example, was it to convince or persuade? Was it to validate evidence or provide proof? Was it to back up "facts"? etc). Was the use of mathematics in this article spelled out for the readers or did it leave room for inference? Was the purpose of the use of mathematics successful, do you think?
b.) This week we are going to be talking about mathematics as metaphors for abstract concepts. Specifically, we will be talking about Euclidian geometry as a metaphor for many, many things. Brainstorm some ideas as to what you think Euclidian geometry (or any maths you choose) could stand for, metaphorically speaking. (It may help to think of sayings, lines of songs, or even poetry!)
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