Due Saturday, November 30th by Midnight
Choose one from below to answer.
1. In response to the TedTalk above, is art the only area of knowledge in which one can go through various reincarnations as "creator", or do you find that this is a trait in other areas of knowing? How does changing the way one self-expresses over a lifetime get us closer or further away from truth?
2 What knowledge of art can be gained by focusing attention on its social, cultural, or historical context? To what extent to power relationships determine what or whose art is valued? Is all art essentially a product of a particular place/time? Is art understood more fully by emphasizing what all cultures have in common rather than by stressing what is unique to each?
3. If art has the power to influence how people think, does this mean it should be controlled? Should art be politically censored? If a monetary value is placed on art, who should determine that value? (example: the open market? The artist? The audience? The government? Explain!)
4. In all the various art forms--literature, poetry, sculpture, painting, photography, dance, theater, music--there are common threads. What, to you, are some of these common threads? What are your "aesthetic standards" when it comes to the giant body that is the Arts? And finally, do you believe works of art in any/all of the categories above are static and maintain their meaning over time, or are they fluid and change their meaning? What is the use of art that constantly shifts in meaning and art that remains static in its meaning?
5. Explore: "Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth--at least the truth that is given us to understand." --Pablo Picasso
6. Explore: "Good writers define reality; bad ones merely restate it." --Edward Albee
7. Explore: "The essential function of art is moral." --DH Lawrence
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