Boyd Varty: What I learned from Nelson Mandela

"In the cathedral of the wild, we get to see the best parts of ourselves reflected back to us." Boyd Varty, a wildlife activist, shares stories of animals, humans and their interrelatedness, or "ubuntu" -- defined as, "I am, because of you." And he dedicates the talk to South African leader Nelson Mandela, the human embodiment of that same great-hearted, generous spirit.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog 8: Emotional Intelligence and Daniel Goleman

March 10, 2013--March 16, 2013

This blog assignment is a little bit different from the ones you've seen in the past. You will notice that the TedTalk above is by Daniel Goleman. Goleman is a psychologist and anthropologist responsible for a turn of phrase that has become part of our vernacular: Emotional Intelligence.  His work is popular worldwide not only for coining this term, but for explaining it in a variety of ways. He has studied humans across history, cultures, age groups, and genders in regards to what is called the "EQ".

1. First, go to this site:

"About Daniel Goleman"

(And any other of the sidebar links)

2. Next, go to this site:

Scroll through the topics Goleman has covered under this kind of intelligence. Pick one to read (they are short!). Once you have read it, respond to it in the blog. If someone else responds to the same one, you can also discuss their thoughts in your response.

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